Hi there
Near the end of the entire cycle (maybe the spin cycle), my washing machine made a loud banging noise. When the cycle completed, I realized it had a rubber burning smell when I opened it. I did not use the dryer cycle at all only wash.
The gasket seemed misshappened right where it meets the latch on the door but I am positive nothing was caught in the door when I closed it. Upon inspection, if I reach into the bottom of the gasket, there is a small hole in the bottom which has the burnt smell. The blanket I was washing also has black marks on the edge (maybe it got caught in the hole?)I think I may have overloaded the washer. Now the machine is empty but the drum does not spin well when I turn it manually.
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The Real Person!
Author Appliance Repair Questions acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Is the rubber door gasket actually burned or melted? <br><br>Have you taken the service panel off and inspected inside the machine? <br><br>Have you tried to run the washer empty for a quick test wash to see the results? <br><br>Can you please give us the model number of your combo unit so we may troubleshoot your issue further?
Hi, the gasket is not burned or melted. I’ve not taken the service panel off or done a wash as was worried if that would be safe. Model no AWG 339/2Will do a test run now. Thank you for your kind help!
Hi there, have done the test wash and the drum spins fine and there’s no burning smell. Can I presume it was a one off occurrence and that the machine is safe to use?Is it likely the blanket got caught in the hole in the gasket and caused the burning smell?
And many thanks to you kind folks for offering your time and expertise!
The Real Person!
Author Appliance Repair Questions acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Was probably a one time occurrence. Use the machine normally and if this happens again, stop the machine ASAP. Just be careful not to overload the washer in the future.
Hi there, have done two regular sized loads but everytime I get to the final spin after the rinse cycle, it starts to have that burning smell again. The gasket is not melted at all. I stop the machine immediately when I smell the burning smell and the smell disappears pretty quickly. Any clues what the problem might be? The clothes are ok.
I just tried doing a load on the synthetic cycle and it went all the way without any burning smell. So only the last spin cycle of the cotton cycle seems to produce the burning smell. Any clue what might be the problem? Thanks!
The Real Person!
Author Appliance Repair Questions acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Might be a good idea to take the machine apart and check to see if there is anything obvious that may be causing the burning smell. You may be able to spot the problem right away. The machine motor may just be getting super hot at that point and causing the smell but it is a good idea to remove the panel and have a look.