I have a Sub Zero ice maker model 315IP, it is in a vacation home so it is turned off for long periods of time but has usually not been a problem when put into service. At this time I am having difficulty figuring out what the issue is with the machine, by the way I am not a homeowner, I am a service tech and cannot get Sub Zero to give me support as I am not authorized by them, just reaching to see If can find some help. I have worked on many of these under cabinet styles by Sub Zero and Scottsman with success. What is happening with this unit is during the harvest part of the cycle the water inlet valve is not getting energized, the hot gas valve is opening but that is all. I have replaced the cube size control and this has not resolved it. It is making nice full cubes, advances to the harvest, the water pump stops and hot gas valve opens, you can hear the cubes cracking form the temp difference but without the water running the cubes do not drop, as well the reservoir is not being refilled.
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