I have a stackable GE GTUN275EM0WW washer dryer combo.
The washer filled and agitated but won't drain or spin.
I turned the washer off then tried turning the knob to different cycles but nothing happens.
The status lights flash for fabric softener on and wash, rinse and spin lights are off, and Lid Locked light is on.
I checked the lid switch and there is continuity with the lid closed.
Also, I can hear the lid lock when I turn the knob to spin etc.
I printed out a repair manual and it doesn't look like there are any critical failures when I am in diagnostic mode.
In diagnostics mode I checked the operation of the spin and shifter system, drain pump, agitate, hot water valve, and cold water valve.
The spin and shifter, drain pump, and agitate tests failed.
I heard a noise like a solenoid clicking but that a was it for all three operations.
Also, when checking agitate the lights indicate the shifter is in the spin position.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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