GE model GTW460ASJ2WW washer

Appliance Repair QuestionsCategory: Washing MachinesGE model GTW460ASJ2WW washer
Q. Taylor asked 5 years ago
I have a top load washer. I loaded it with clothes and started the wash cycle. It filled up with water but it didn\'t run the cycle. I put it on drain and spin to see if it would drain the water out the tub but it wouldn\'t do that either. I noticed that water was coming out from under the washer on the floor. I could hear clicking noises like it was trying to go to the wash cycle but it never did. I unplugged it for a while then plugged it back in to see if that would help and still nothing. Water is just sitting in the tub of the machine. I was told it could be drain pump or coupler. What do you suggest it could possibly be?