GE Adora Front Load Washer Pausing – Door Lock Problem

Appliance Repair QuestionsCategory: GE Washing MachineGE Adora Front Load Washer Pausing – Door Lock Problem
Brent asked 5 years ago
GE Front Load Washer Control Panel all Lit Up but Buttons Don't Work! I have a GE Adora washing machine Model #GHWS3600F0WW. The machine was pausing every 5 minutes or so and the door lock sounded like it was trying to lock and unlock. The machine would not start again on its own without me pushing the start button. I replaced the door lock control. When I plugged the unit back in, all of the buttons on the display panel light up as they do during startup, but they remain lit and do not respond when pushed. They remained this way for a couple hours before I unplugged the machine. I've tried unplugging and replugging several times. I also tried reinstalling the old door lock unit, with the same result. Any suggestions would be very helpful. I was thinking it may be the control board which is a very expensive part (around $200). Not sure if it's worth fixing or possibly buying a used control board for less.
1 Answers
Jimmy answered 8 months ago

Have you tried to just reset everything , leave it unplugged for about an hour. or look at the manual and see how to reset. You may need to reconnect the control board from the housing and reconnect it to make it reset.