Clothes Dryer will not heat

Appliance Repair QuestionsCategory: Clothes DryersClothes Dryer will not heat
Mark Estep asked 9 years ago
I have replaced the igniter, solenoids, Flame sensors, verified the High Limit thermostat, and Cycling thermostat are good. What else could it be please. GGQ8858HQO is the model number. I also checked the vent pipe to make sure it is clear
1 Answers
Denise answered 9 years ago
I have had heating element and thermostat replaced. Looked like it worked. Heat was coming out. Heater box was hard to put back on but finally got it. Set the dryer back up ( had it tilted) and tried it again. Now no heat! Really frustrated! Whirlpool model #LER4434AQ0