Samsung French door Rf25hmedbsr code 81C

Appliance Repair QuestionsCategory: Samsung RefrigeratorSamsung French door Rf25hmedbsr code 81C
Chris asked 3 years ago
Hi, we had a power outage approx 2 weeks ago and noticed the next day ghe temperature in the freezer was a bit higher than normal. The soft ice cream gave us the indication. I removed the evaporator cover the sensor on the coil was frozen over so i unplugged the fridge and used a hair dryer to defrost and recieved the 81c (compressor locked out) after plugging back in. I tested the compressor windings all 8ohms & no short. There is no voltage to compressor from inverter board which has a constant red blink LED indicator and there is 5v coming from the main board to the inverter board. I replaced the inverter PCB and still same issue after leaving unplugged for hours even after putting it in FF mode (forces compressor on) I would appreciate any diagnostic/troubleshooting assistance. I am a certified electrician and have knowledge in commercial HVAC electronics and just need some guidance. Thank youChrie